Your first khmer writing lesson!

This is the word, (my phonetics) 'kan-yom'. It means "I, me, mine". The 's' shape in the middle is the 'cah' consonant. The squiggly line under it is the subscript for the consonant 'ny'. Then the circle at the top and the line at the bottom is the vowel sound "om". That makes the word 'kanyom'.
As this word is very short in writing, most are not. A couple of the preaching students do their tests in English. When I asked why (because I would think that is much harder), they said it makes it shorter because English is shorter than khmer.
The picture below are just to show that they get MUCH more in and on their vehicles than we do! The first is a van, but the rest are motorcycles.

The pictures isn't clear, but on top of the stuff on the van are people riding. The 2nd picture is a load of garlic. Notice that in the 3rd pic, the girl is sitting on barrels of cooking oil. And the last picture is a load of charcoil type wood.
I could take probably 20 pictures a day just on our trip to language school of loads like this. It's amazing.
Come and have fun with us! Love you! Ronda
The language looks like a challenge. I thought it would be more like the Thai letters. I love the pictures on your blog, they are very clear. Hope you are having a great day. Love you more than sticky rice and mangoes. Kim
Love, Julie