This is our moving van. We are loading our furniture to get it to our house. If you can see, the cushions are in the seat of the tuk-tuk. Rebekah and I both got in there as well! So much fun!

Do you know what this is? The picture isn't very clean, but those are Pepsi bottles (l ltr). Inside of them is gasoline. These little stands are everywhere and, provided that you want gas that is a 'little watered down', you pull up and they sell gas. The green barrel is behind the stand. As you can see, it is selling for 3,500 riels; the gas stations sell for 4,100-4,400 riels. So it all depends on if you want cheap gas or gas that is better for your vehicle.
Language school is plotting along. We know our consonants and, for the most part, our vowels. Now we are starting to put words together. One little problem...yesterday, he tells us that the sound the consonants make can depend on if the consonant is with a vowel or if it is the last letter of a word. Great!! Just what we needed! But, we are studying hard and keep reminding ourselves how much more we know now that a month ago.
Keep us in your prayers as we keep you in ours. Let us hear from you. Know we love you!