Hello! Just hanging out in Phnom Penh.

I am going to try to stick on a couple picture each time so you can get the feel of town. This picture is dark, but we were on our way to language school in our tuk tuk and these boys were riding their bikes down a busier street and decided it would be easier to 'grab' a ride, so he is hanging onto our tuk tuk. They thought it was great. The boy on the back has a big grin, but it is hard to see.
Today, Rebekah and I started teaching language at the PIP house (Partners In Progress) for the next 6 weeks while all the teachers are in the US. It is probably good because it helps to remind us that English words don't all make sense either, so not to
get too wound up when Khmer doesn't (like silent letters on the end of words...why not just leave them off!?)
Unfortunately, I couldn't zoom in fast enough to get a good picture of this sweet baby. When the family 'car' is a moto (motorcycle), like most families here, you all get on, you load it down, etc. We have seen tiny babies on motos with mothers holding them on the back. We have seen, several times, people riding on the back of a moto with an IV attached to them or a baby they are holding. You do what you can and what you have.
It is a fascinating place with precious souls that God loves. Pray for us to be the examples of Christians that we need to be in this place. Rich starts teaching Isaiah to the students tomorrow, so pray for him to have wisdom from God to teach the things God would have him teach. You are in our hearts and prayers. Ronda


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