CBI School year starts!

We must be having fun because time is flying!! I can't seem to be very consistent with posting new information. It just seems like I blogged and it has been 2 weeks!
School started for our students this week. We currently have 2 new male students, Lee and Sovann and then 2 new girl students, Rena and Pisay. Lanny Sartain is here teaching Romans in the mornings and Sacrificial Systems in the afternoons.
It is great to have the students back; I missed them during the off time. So we are back to having chapel every morning where we sing a couple songs, pray, and have a devo talk. It is a great way to start the morning.
Really, I don't have much to say. Just trying to get back in the routine of the school year. We hope you are all well. Thanks for your love and support of us and this work. I'll try to get some pictures on soon. Much love, Ronda


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