4 weeks from Ronda

I was just thinking about how different our lives are now and how they are the same.

Some differences - we have been here 4 weeks and I haven't even bought any flour (for those of you who don't know, in the US I bought flour by the 25 lb bags since I baked so much), baking soda, baking powder, or eggs! We hang our clothes out on the line (in fact I have some now that needs hung), we walk to most places, and...most enjoyably, I have only been cold about twice since I have been here (which was a 'multiple times a day' occurrence in the US)...yeah!!!

We are still figuring out our routine, which will change next week since our language school starting in October will be from 4-5:30 pm instead of 2-4pm. Here, the kids are out of school from 11:00- 2:30 for lunch, a lot of places are shut down at that time as well, so we are trying to get used to not being able to get too much done at that time.

However, we are still surrounded by sweet people (they just look a little different) who love us and we love them.

Oh! We also learned that if you get something sent Fedex (or any carrier like that), they charge and arm and a leg import tax, then they hold it hostage until they are sure they are going to get their money. My computer got here a week ago yesterday and as of this morning, I was told that since Monday is a holiday here, that maybe by Tuesday I will be able to get it. God is trying to teach me patience.
SO now we have learned from other people here that if you have something sent to the PO Box (our address is: PO Box 1034, Phnom Penh, Cambodia...that's all- no zip), that the other people have gotten everything they have been sent and never have paid any tax on it.
We did what we were told was best...oh, well.

Thank you for all the prayers. Know that you are in our prayers and thoughts daily. "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might..."

Much love!


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