CBI Christmas

Before I get into our Christmas happenings, I just to tell you something I have been thinking about. Several times now, when one of our students have been giving their chapel talks, they would say "I don't remember exactly where this verse is, but..." and then go on to say what the verse says. And that is great! But what is really wonderful is to hear several of the students (who didn't know their books of the Bible a year ago) tell them where the verse it is. To hear them just immediately be able to give scripture like that is amazing! Such a blessing to watch their growth! I took this picture on Tuesday. We have split chapel on Tuesday, where the girls and I have our chapel upstairs and the boys downstairs. We are currently waiting for the boys to be finished. I noticed that these 3 were just squatting on the floor in the kitchen. What you can't see is that there is a stack of chairs to the left. They thought it was funny that I to...