
Showing posts from 2008

Is it Really Christmastime? It's 80 degrees here.

Hey, friends. Sorry it's been so long. Ronda is having computer trouble and that's where most of the pictures are. This first picture is Soklay at her baptism. The second picture is the group praying after the baptisms. We've had a good December. Loren Hollingsworth, my father-in-law, was here teaching on Revelation. He did a good job. Most of the new students did not pass, but will have a chance to take this again. Dennis Welch taught on Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther, then I taught Personal Evangelism. After that, we had an evangelism week. The students spent the day harvesting rice, then had a bible study time at night, with only one light, charged by a generator. They were at two new villages and one we'd been to before. One teen was converted to Christ and many are interested. Two of our students (Khim and Sothea, pictured here) have completed the requirements to graduate. They are the first class!!! They have been here 4 years. The ceremony will be in mid-January. And...

Pig soup?

One of the times that Mom and I went to the market, we came by this nice young man scraping the hair off of a couple pig heads. (He seemed thrilled to have his picture taken!) I hope you can see the 2 pig heads in the picture. Anyway, since we had a fellowship meal at church the following Sunday, I told Mom that I should buy one, put it in a pot of boiling water and take it to the fellowship. I didn't...but it would have been fun! You all are missing out, not being here to see all the wonderful things and the wonderful people. Come visit; you'll love it as we do. Love, Ronda

Dad and Mom on to Thailand

This was a beautiful sunset out our windows yesterday. Of course, you just can't copy the colors of God's creation on film, but you get the idea. This morning Dad and Mom (Loren and Penny Hollingsworth) made their way back home to Thailand. We enjoyed their visit and appreciated Dad's teaching in the school. After spending a few months in Thailand, then they will make their way back to their home in Alaska. I feel so very blessed to be their child and part of their lives. Love to you all, Ronda

Dad's Birthday

For Dad's birthday (his 72nd), we went to a Thai food place for dinner. This is my sister, Julie, Dad, Rich and I outside of the restaurant. Mom is taking the picture. For Thanksgiving, the American here got together for a meal. Actually, we got together the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Since it isn't a holiday here (in fact, I had to ask when Thanksgiving was), we all still our normal things to do. Anyway, we had a nice meal and good fellowship. I guess everything in the US looks like Christmas. Some of the stores and restaurants that cater to foreigners have XMas stuff out, but other than that, it is just normal. Well, take care. Much love, Ronda

Nuan, your new brother!

A week ago, Nuan was baptized. He is our newest student. He is quite shy but has a beautiful smile. As for us, we are getting back in routine since Rich has gotten home from the US. My dad, Loren Hollingsworth, is teaching the students in the mornings until mid December. Rich is teaching the students in the afternoons. Starting tomorrow (Monday), he will go from teaching to language school. We both have class at 4pm. Then we will have a nice walk home. Thank you all again for taking care of Rich while he was in the US. When I asked what it was like being back in Broken Arrow with the congregation there, he told me it was like being a rock star! He was treated like royalty. Thanks for all your love and support. Keep us in your prayers. Much love, Ronda

Sokphea and Srayneeung's wedding

Weddings are done different here. They go sometimes for 3 days (can you imagine?), but this one was one day. They started early in the morning with only family. The eat together, do various ceremonial things, take pictures and change clothes several times. The non family guests are then invited to a dinner. The ceremony is already done. The first pictures are some of the wonderful food that we ate. You can't tell from the picture, but there is a fire going under the fish; we got 3 different entrees of food brought to the table that way. We probably had 4 courses. The 2nd picture is our first course, which consisted of various meats, spring rolls, and nuts - all were very good. Later we got whole fish, curries, fried rice, vegetables, and dessert. It was great! I should have skipped lunch before going! The last 2 pictures are of Sokphea and Srayneeung. I mentioned that they change clothes several times. While we were there (3 hours), they both changed 3 times; all wer...

Water Festival!

The 2nd week in November, at the time of the full moon, is the Water Festival - long boat races. There was somewhere around 470 boats entered this year, some from villages in Cambodia as well as boats from other countries. It is really a lot of fun to watch. There is one picture with a big white boat in the back; that is the Partners in Progress Ship of Life. Julie, my sister, and I got to get on the top of the boat and watch the races. After a couple hours there, we went to the other side of the river as the races were more to that side, so that we could hear them chanting as they raced. 2 of these pictures is of boats making their way to the starting line. The picture with the ship in the back shows a couple boats racing along with one boat in the front headed toward the starting line. Some of them race standing, some kneel while they race. The boats have anywhere from 20 - 78 people on them. All are fun to watch. So, if you think you would enjoy watching, come visit next y...

Meet little Timothy!

This first picture is just a group of kids in a tuk tuk that I saw on the way to Sokha's memorial service. As for the other 2 pictures, meet Timothy! He is the adorable son of Veashna, one of our students, and his wife Lynna. This is their first child. We are praying that he lives up to his namesake and becomes a powerful servant for the Lord. Pray for Veashna and Lynna to raise him as the Lord would want him to be raised. Thanks to all of you who are taking care of Rich for me while he is with you. I am ready for him to be home. I love you all. Ronda

Memorial service for Sokha

Today about 150 Christians met at the orphanage in TNT to support Gimsowm, who just lost his young wife, and their 2 children. Sokha was only 27 years old. On top of her 2 children, they ran the orphanage that had about 20 children. I can't wait to see her again in heaven. She is much better off and we will get to sing with her there. But this is a hard time for Gimsowm and his children and the children at the orphanage. Please keep them in your prayers for the next few months as they struggle to continue their lives. I am grateful for all of you that have been able to show Rich how much you love him. I am hearing great things from him while he is in the US. I truly can't imagine not being a Christian and having the church family. The church is wonderful blessing from God. I love you all. Ronda

Kim Binkley is headed back to the US

We really enjoyed Kim's visit - it was just too short. Rich leaves for the US tomorrow for several weeks. Another exciting thing, yesterday, Veashna (one of our students) and his wife, Lynna, had their first baby. His name is Timothy. I haven't seen him yet but will certainly forward pictures when I do. Rich is wrapping up Church Growth class in the mornings. He taught Song of Solomon yesterday afternoon and said that the students had no problem getting sleepy! For those of you who sent gifts with Kim...THANKS!!!!! It is all so much appreciated! I will put the magazines and popcorn to good use while Rich is gone and I get some quiet time. For those of you who will see Rich, please don't spoil him too much and tell him too much how great he is. I have to live with him when he gets back, so don't make his head too big!! Ha! Know that we love you all! Ronda

I has been awhile since I blogged.

I can't believe it has been 2 weeks since I blogged last. Time flies! The first picture is Mark Hooper and Rich. Mark was here for about 10 days to teach in the preaching school. We enjoyed getting to know him. He is a Longhorn fan, like Rich, so they hit it off quite well! We look forward to getting to know him better in the future. On Friday, Nov. 3rd, we had the students, members of both the Phnom Penh church and the Partners In Progress church over for a singing. Then on Saturday, the 4th, there was a party/fellowship at Partners In Progress. Everyone seemed to enjoy getting to know each other, playing games, eating, etc. We hope to do more of these in the future. The last 2 pictures is of the group that was at the party. At this moment, Rich is teaching at the school and I am waiting for a few more minutes before going to pick up Kim Binkley at the airport. She will be here for a week. Several things are going to be happening: Kim gets in today, Veashna (one of our...

Back to routine.

We are back to our routine now. Rich is teaching Church growth in the mornings until noon, then comes home for lunch and rest and leave at 1:30 to go back to the school to teach Job/Prov/Ecclesiates. He gets done there at 3:30 and heads to language school for his class from 4-5pm. He gets home in time to eat dinner and study for tomorrow. In language school now, we are using different teachers (I go to class at 3pm) but we are both starting to study the book of John. You have no idea how nice it is in English that we use the same words for everyone. Here, God, Jesus, HS, gods, royalty to things on a little higher plain than the rest of us folks, so they use different words. For example: the regular word for 'to come' is 'mok' but when God comes it is ýeeang'. The regular word for 'to give' is ówie' but for God it is 'brahdteean'. And so studying the Bible makes you feel like you don't know any vocabulary since so much of it is differ...

Cute kids at Engagement party

The first picture is of Sokphea's, the future groom, little brothers. Sokphea is the oldest of 6. I don't know who the others are, but thought they were cute. Mark Hooper left this morning headed to Singapore. We were grateful to have him teaching at the school for a week. The students seems to really enjoy him. I think I mentioned before that school is out this week. Rich will start teaching both the morning and afternoon classes on Monday, the 6th. Also, on the 6th, we will start back at language school. And on top of some conversation, we will be getting some Bible, by going through the book of John. So between teaching all day until 3:30 and then heading straight to language school for an hour, Rich will be used up! Pray for him to have the endurance and patience on both fronts. Much love to all of you. Ronda

Engagement Party and Lanny leaves

Lanny Partain taught in the school for month. During that month, his sweet wife, living in Houston, had to leave twice for hurricanes. She might not let him leave again. Anyway, it was great getting to meet Lanny and have him with us. While Lanny was here, one of our students, Sokphea got engaged to Srayneeang . Here, there is an engagement party where the people invited carry food on decorated plates in pairs and walk in a procession to the brides house. There is food while the ceremony goes on upstairs. In the engagement ceremony, the future groom and bride and both sets of parents meet. The groom discussed with the bride's parents what he will give for her. (Of course, this is a formality usually as this has really already been settled) Sokphea and Srayneeang had 2 changes of clothes, both traditional dress. Also, the bride, as you can tell from the pictures, gets quite decorated up. Due to the heat, etc. the Khmers don't typically wear any makeup, but they ...

Cambodia in the fall or No shoes for me!

I know Ronda just posted, but we're going to get more pictures up and do a better job of posting. So, here is a picture from a church meal. Sorry about the quality, it was taken on a cell phone. Notice we are enjoying the meal and we are shoeless. Reason #7 to live in Cambodia -- I have not worn dress shoes in over a year! Here is a picture of our current class of students. Notice they are small, in both height and quanity, but it's a really good group. Don't they look smart? It's because I'm not teaching them right now. And, here is a picture of our family in front of the school. In case you can't tell, I'm the older looking guy on the left, then there is Jason, Randall and Reuben. Rebekah and Ronda are in the front. Rich

Just stuff.

Hi! It seems like I am always apologizing for not writing more often. But you know how it get on a routine and it doesn't seem particularly noteworthy. But, again, I will try to do better so you feel more like you're with us here. Lanny Partain, who had been teaching for the last month (yes, I did get a picture of him; and yes, it is still in the camera) left on Monday headed, hopefully, home to Houston. Needless to say, he had a lot of work ahead of him once getting there. Preliminary reports from his friends indicated that his home didn't seem to have much damage. His family was safely out of Houston. We are grateful for the time he spent here with us and the students. Dennis and Sharon Welch, who have moved here to help the work, have found a house and should be able to start moving things in this weekend. Mark Hooper will be here teaching for a week, so we will pick him up at the airport on Saturday. This week, the students are out to different villages ...

Monday was a wonderful day!

This first picture is our new students. Left to right is: Rena, Sovan, Pisay, Lee, and Rahn. On Monday, Pisay and Rahn were baptized. Both had been studying with several of the other students as well as friends. Like all of our other students, these 5 are so very sweet and seem to be working and studying hard. The girls are staying at Tawn's sister's house as she has 3 girls of her own. Keep all of our students in your prayers as they study. Much love, Ronda

Happenings in Phnom Penh

No pictures as I am on Rich's computer...sorry. Lanny Sartain is doing a great job teaching our students Romans and Sacrificial Systems. He will be here until Sept. 15th. Dennis and Sharon Welch arrived August 28th and have been looking for a house, getting phones, starting language school, and getting a better feel for the work here. For this school year, we have 5 new students. The boys are: Lee, Ron, and Sohvan; and the girls are: Rena and Pisay. They are all young and sweet and studying hard. Of course, our other students are great to help them and encourage them. Julie, my sister, is here now working at the Partners In Progress house. So she is getting settled and has started language school. So, lots of changes, extra hands to work, new things, and lots of excitement as the work continues to grow. We are so grateful to God that we are allowed to work her in this place. Keep us in your prayers. Much love, Ronda

One Year Anniversary or Wow, Have They Been Gone That Long?

You may not remember, but we do; Ronda, Rebekah and I arrived in Cambodia on August 23rd one year ago. Time has flown by. Rebekah is now at A&M sharpening her already sharp mind. One year brings a lot of changes. We're making progress learning Khmer. At least it doesn't all look like squiggly lines. Occasionally I will slip a word or phrase of Khmer in while I'm teaching in the school or at church. You should see the people perk up. Mostly, to laugh at my pronunciation. Let's see, me looking like a fool in front of a lot of people. It happens whether I'm in the US, Cambodia, Ukraine or where ever. I'm not sure what the common denominator in all that is. Not all things change. Ronda is amazing in her tenacity in learning the language. Her sister Julie moved here August 8 th . Wednesday, we pick up Dennis and Sharon Welch at the airport. They are moving here also. One year brings a lot of changes. We have 4 new students at the school and may ...

CBI School year starts!

We must be having fun because time is flying!! I can't seem to be very consistent with posting new information. It just seems like I blogged and it has been 2 weeks! School started for our students this week. We currently have 2 new male students, Lee and Sovann and then 2 new girl students, Rena and Pisay. Lanny Sartain is here teaching Romans in the mornings and Sacrificial Systems in the afternoons. It is great to have the students back; I missed them during the off time. So we are back to having chapel every morning where we sing a couple songs, pray, and have a devo talk. It is a great way to start the morning. Really, I don't have much to say. Just trying to get back in the routine of the school year. We hope you are all well. Thanks for your love and support of us and this work. I'll try to get some pictures on soon. Much love, Ronda

Random thought pictures, because I am in a hurry this morning. But I was just thinking that I don't think I told you a little story, that is different from in the US. In our language class awhile back, we were talking about families and our teacher was giving us all the khmer names for different relatives. Then he said that women often call their husbands "bong"which really means ólder' (bong bro - if older brother; bong sray - if older sister). And that usually the only time they call each other by name is if they aren't getting along very well at the moment. So, being older than Rich, I had to ask if I should call him "p-ohng" since that means younger, instead of "bong". At that teacher teach looked surprised, and admirably at Rich and asked if it was true...that I was older. When Rich said yes, our teacher just stopped and applauded, as did the rest of the Asians in the class. They were very impressed with Rich for what I can only assume i...

High School Summer Break & Cell Phones

Dear Friends: We had to detour around one of the high schools by our house today. They blocked off streets on three sides of the school and had the military police out. Why, you ask? I asked also and found out it's because today is the last day of school. Yes, if you were in high school here you would just now be on summer break. And, that's not all. Tomorrow and the next day are tests. You have to pass the tests to graduate and/or move to the next grade. I thought all of you who might be moaning the end of summer would appreciate that. Next, cell phones. I got to noticing that my text messages were not being sent. So, with typical Dolan ingenuity, I went into "Repair Man" mode to find out why. Bottom line, when I was done the cell phone would not even come on. This morning I took it to the cell phone store. The man found a metal prong that had broken off. In America, they would have told me to throw the phone away and get another. In Cambodia,...

Election Day

I really am trying to stay on top of this and blog more often. It seems like I just blogged and it has nearly been a week already. I guess time does fly when you are having fun. Elections here were Sunday(27th). The city was pretty quiet as most people don't change their registration to the city when they move, so they all have to go back to their villages to vote. There were some problems in one of the cities, but Phnom Penh was quiet; police were out in force. Friday night, Rich and I went to eat near one of the main parks and there were people everywhere. Lots of police there along with truckloads of campaigners. I did get some pictures of some of the trucks...and yes, they are still in the camera, so they'll come later. Anyway, it was loud. But at midnight it got quiet. The newspaper said that they could campaign until midnight on Friday but not after that, so Saturday and Sunday were quiet. So, we have a nice calm week this week - we still have language school eve...

Sites around town

Like Rich told you in the last email, we have had a nice calm summer. After 23 plus years of youth ministry, it is a real change! These are just some sites that I wanted to share. The truck is a 18 wheeler that was parked on the side of the road on the way to the airport. If you will notice, just under it is a man sleeping in the hammock that he has attached to the truck. They don't need sleeper cabs here! I thought these clouds were pretty; a storm is moving in, but the sun is still shining on the top. God's handiwork is magnificient! And then, there is their packing of minivans that never ceases to amaze me. They get full use of their vehicles! Come and see for yourself! We loved having Jon and Amber (Larson) White with us! I'll get their picture on here...once I get it off my camera! Love to all of you! Ronda

Boring News - Please Don't Read This!!!!

Okay, I made you look. Stuff is going on and I don't know how to describe it all. It's good though. -the picture is of the Aggies here in late May->> We, that's Ronda and I only as all our kids are back in the states, went to Vietnam for a few days to celebrate my birthday. With it being summer time, you know we had to travel some or we wouldn't know what to do. It was fantastic!! The bus ride over was $12 each. It only costs $11 to come back. I guess fewer people want to come to Cambodia. I taught all day, every day on the Resurrection from July 7-11. If I say so myself, the class was excellent. July13th, Jon and Amber (Larson) White arrived. Ronda picked them up at the airport as I was teaching bible class. It was a thrill to have them here. They took a couple of days and went up to Angkor Wat. They got a great deal on a wonderful hotel because it is the non-peak season (too hot & rainy for most tourists). They were back here for another day before they h...

Hope you all had a good 4th of July

We thought of you all the evening of the 4th...our time, so it was the morning of the 4th for you...but we thought about watching fireworks and enjoying great conversations with you all as we have done so many times in the past. Thanks for all those memories. Here, it is almost election time, just like in the US. Although ours will be over July 27th. Thankfully, we don't have to see campaign ads on TV or get junk mail (there is no such thing as 'junk mail' here - a wonderful blessing!) about different people. But we do have our headaches. Here, they load up in trucks with loud speakers attached, lot of flags, and lot of people. Just before services were over today (Rich spoke...and did a great job, as usual), just before the closing prayer, a truckload of people went by on the street with their load speakers blaring. Now, you need to understand that our assembly area is open on the end by the street, so there is no blocking out the noise, and the open door area is ab...

Random stuff

I finally have a computer to replace the one that was stolen, so I have good intentions of getting back to my routine of blogging every few days. The first picture is of Rebekah and Emily, before Rebekah left. I put this picture in because Emily just had a stoke and is in ICU in Bangkok. Please pray for her. She is a wonderful Christian woman who teaches English at Partners In Progress, and is a great example and encouragement to all around. The next pictures is of some ox carts on the highway to Siem Reap. They do kind of hold up the traffic, but I love them! I took the picture of the sky as the clouds were moving in and the sun was shining though. I am so grateful to God for the beauty that He puts in our lives daily - if we will just take the time to look. And of course, my sweet boys are the other picture. All are now back in the the US. We are truly grateful for your support and allowing them to come see us. They certainly liven up things! And the khmers enjoyed their v...

While the Aggies were here

I gave you just a little bit of information when the Aggies for Christ were here. Here are a few pictures, and I will put on more later, of some of what they did. The first picture is a couple of the girls with some of the orphanage girls in their room. I don't know if you can see or not, but there are 2 sets of bunkbeds in each room. The 2nd picture is some of the Aggies, Rich and some of our students along with the kids at TNT, where the orphanage is. They feed a lot of kids there with the Nutrition program, not just those at the orphanage. The other group of Aggies and the other half of our students went to another couple villages with the Nutrition truck. The last picture is the kids standing in line for food. A lot of sweet souls to be won for the Lord! As for us now, our street is paved now past us, so after 5 days, hopefully we can get our car out of the garage. Since there are motodopes (moto taxis) and tuk tuks all over, transportation is not a problem, but not near...