Is it Really Christmastime? It's 80 degrees here.

Hey, friends. Sorry it's been so long. Ronda is having computer trouble and that's where most of the pictures are. This first picture is Soklay at her baptism. The second picture is the group praying after the baptisms. We've had a good December. Loren Hollingsworth, my father-in-law, was here teaching on Revelation. He did a good job. Most of the new students did not pass, but will have a chance to take this again. Dennis Welch taught on Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther, then I taught Personal Evangelism. After that, we had an evangelism week. The students spent the day harvesting rice, then had a bible study time at night, with only one light, charged by a generator. They were at two new villages and one we'd been to before. One teen was converted to Christ and many are interested. Two of our students (Khim and Sothea, pictured here) have completed the requirements to graduate. They are the first class!!! They have been here 4 years. The ceremony will be in mid-January. And...